Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Magnet lesson


Savannah saw a paper clip at the bottom of a shallow puddle of water.
She used a magnet to remove the paper clip without getting her hands
or the magnet wet.

Explain how this is possible.

Teacher NoTes:
Use this assessment after teaching Lesson 3.
Consider using this performance task with older children and the performance task titled “What Magnets Work Through” on page 30 with younger children.

You might administer this task orally, individually, or in small groups.
evaluaTioN GuideliNes:

When evaluating children’s responses, look for the following elements:
•             Magnets can pull on an object without touching the object.
•             The force of a magnet can work through water.

Some children might also mention that the force of a magnet can work through air.

If needed, guide children to think about how the magnet was used. You might prompt them with questions such as the following:
•             Does a magnet need to touch an object in order to move an object?
•             Can the force of a magnet work through water and air?

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